I've been hit on by men before, but it only happened when I've hung out with a couple gay friends at a "gay bar" and I told them I was straight and they stopped hitting on me...
But Billy Spears? He has a hard-on for me and he loves playing "Dirty Harry" I guess. Jeez I thought he'd fired 6 shots but I guess it was only 5...
Billy Spears, known in life as William R Spears, an ex Santa Maria Police Dept sergeant and the ex City of Willows Chief of Police seems to have a fixation on me. He keeps on chasing me, like he's gonna "get his man". Well Billy Spears, I ain't gonna be caught...not without a fight you gonna lose anyway dumb ass.
In all seriousness, Billy Spears has been chasing me, but it's for different reasons than wanting a Brokeback weekend with me...
Perhaps it's best to start at the beginning...back in March of 2014...I got a call from a Bill Spears to come look at a deck in Oceano on Surf Street. My calendar doesn't have the exact date that I met Bill at 321 Surf Street, but I do have his email from 4/7/14. Bill wanted to refo a deck from wood to plywood and wanted a bid. After I looked at it I kind of drifted off it, but Bill was persistent...
"Hi Bill,
Not sure if I goofed up on email address. I have not heard back from you on the estimate.
Look forward to reviewing the estimate and get going.
I didn't get it to him even then and and then I got another email
"Hello Bill
I still have not heard from you concerning the estimate. My wife is unhappy with me because she wants to get this project done. I told her that we could not do it until after Easter. She said she wants to get the estimate and then get the start date so she can make arrangements.
I know you are a busy guy, but I need to get the estimate, so we can set a start date as soon as possible.
I also need to arrange funding source to cover the project. I have the money I just need to move some money aside for the project.
Bill Spears
So unknowing to me, dirtbag Billy Bob Spears is setting the bait here and luring me in...
So I did get the bid off to Bill...and then never heard from him...God that Billy Spears, he's such a tease! I never heard from Bill Spears again until June...when I got a letter from the Contractors State License Board saying that "Billy Bob" , or William R Spears as legally known, had filed a complaint against me!
Notice of a Complaint From CSLB Filed By William R Spears |
I couldn't imagine what the complaint was about so when I finally spoke with the CSLB representative, she told me that it was about contracting out of class...she also told me that this complaint was especially interesting, first she said it was well documented/ordered and secondly there was a DVD video...
"What video are you talking about? I asked" "Well, there's a video of you...talking to Spears and then by yourself measuring and then you speaking with Spears again." She said she'd never seen any complaint file like this one...and as the complaint wound down she suggested that I get a copy of the file..."You'll want to see it," she said.
All that ended up with this elaborate complaint was a warning letter in my file...
After all the effort from Spears, all he managed to
get pinned on me was a violation warning letter issued.
Apparently he wasn't content with just that. |
So after hearing about this video and wanting to learn a little more, I drove past the house where I'd meet Spears-at 321 Surf Street in Oceano. I drove past and there was my competitor's truck and crew working there-Decktech Inc. Hmm, a little surprising and I'm suspicious...I look across the street to realize that DeckTech's customer,
Doug Snyder has his house at 324 Surf Street. (Scroll down to the initials DS. Hmm, is this where they filmed me from?
Snyder "wrote" a review on Yelp that ...stroked DeckTech with superlatives that just don't fit well.
Google Maps shows the angle |
I took a few shots to prove it was Decktech working
and checked the permits. Couldn't find one! |
Looking at the map, it's easy to see the perfect camera view one would have from Snyders house over to the deck at Robert Miles.
So lets do some sleuthing and to the internet I go...SLO County Assessors Permit View search....and I find that a Robert Miles actually owns 321 Surf Street, not Bill Spears, the guy who I met there. Who the hell is Robert Miles? He and his wife Roberta live down in So Cal...
Easy to see who owns what online. |
Easy to see no permit exists for any deck work! |
So both Doug Snyder and Robert Miles are DeckTech Inc clients. Miles and Snyder have both written
Yelp reviews extolling the virtues of Decktech, like they walk on water...maybe Decktech asked them to? Wrote the review for them? Both are interesting...with digs towards checking the license. Now that advice is especially ironic with DeckTech's license hanging by a thread with the accusation against them. Yeah, check Decktech's license at
So I do some more sleuthing and check for permits. Interestingly there is no permit for the work DeckTech has done in the online file. The work done included removing and replacing a railing and a whole new deck. I call the County and talk to Art Trinidad; "yes it appears that work would require a permit" he says. "May I send you pictures proving who the contractor was? I ask" "Please."said Art. So I emailed pics showing that they were working on this property. Then I sent CSLB a complaint that Decktech failed to pull a permit...more on that later as it develops.
In the meantime, I start saying well who the hell is Bill Spears and what's he got to do with this and how did all this happen with video taken from a hidden location and a microphone on Bill hidden away...creepy. Bill struck me as somewhat creepy...reminded me of a stereotypical pervy uncle kind of figure.
Spears was found to be recording conversations of his boss and others.
He also ran a blog on his boss apparently-pretty creepy guy. |
So I did some more sleuthing; I search Google for Bill Spears. Turns out he's an ex-Santa Maria PD Sergeant, blamed politics/his Chief for not getting promoted and took a job in Willows CA as Police Chief there. He was on two year contracts that automatically renewed but at some point, after Spears was found to have been writing a blog that detailed his boss' life and comings and goings, the City declined to renew his contract with him. It was then found that he had recorded without their knowledge City employees and management with a lapel camera he wore. This caused much consternation and consideration of filing charges against Spears-
From the
Willows Appeal Democrat
"No criminal charges are likely to be filed against former Willows Police Chief Bill Spears for recording City Hall staffers without their knowledge.
Mayor Jeff Cobb believes the video and audio recordings found on the Police Department's computer after Spears retired last December may rise to the level of illegal activity."
"Spears said any insinuation that he was secretly taping staff or "spying" is ridiculous."
Well, hmm, maybe not huh? He isn't above that here...
There's more-
And Spears' personal conflict with the city manager dates back several years, Holsinger acknowledged Thursday.
"Bill is someone who does not like to be managed," Holsinger said. "He does not like having a boss and his employment records indicate as much. I didn't hire him ... but I'm sure glad he's gone."
Holsinger said he was not particularly surprised Spears had recordings of staff meetings, considering Spears' personal blog, "The Willow Tree," reported in the summer of 2012 on Holsinger's movements around town, including the precise time Holsinger entered a private building and the speculation of why he was there.
So we have a history of Spears seemingly pursuing his prey, rather people he doesn't like or resents? And here in my case, it seems that is exactly what is happening...why do I say that? Because shortly after this case wound up in 2014, I got another call from CSLB, we have another complaint about you...same guy, this time advertising.
So I fix up my website, a few social media pages...CSLB is happy. But Bill keeps complaining to them...
CSLB has what they call "nuisance complainers", people who will deliberately set up a unlicensed contractor and then let them work and then not pay them and file a complaint...people who we all know are really just pieces of doo. People like Bill Spears...
A few eeks ago I filed the paperwork to get copies of the DVD video recording and the documents in the file. This week on 1 15 2016 I got back my requests for copies of these complaints, request denied and the letters listed several reasons.
Hmm, I thought as I drove home, why can't I get these documents and video? While driving the phone rang..."Mr. Leys, this is the CSLB. You have an ad complaint against you..." Seems Billy Spears and his gang are back...
CSLB denies my request for copies of the complaint from Bill Spears |
Second denial by CSLB for my records relating
to complaints by Billy Bob Spears |
Spears, you have a sordid history and IMO, conduct not quite becoming an officer...and I hope no one hires you for police work again ever.
We all know that before anyone gets hired, that City's search agency will run some Google searches and you are going to show up on this anyone looking to hire William R Spears, if you want more information regarding this matter, contact me, Bill Leys 805-801-2380.
So see Billy Spears? Working with Ron trying to catch me doing something that now would cost me at the most a citation with a $1200 maximum fine attached to it while you're out looking for a job as a cop isn't to bright is it? Not when this little undercover sting fiasco could end up costing you a $149,000 job huh? I've taken the time to tag all the pictures, tag the post, label it with your name so this post shows up if anyone searches for William R Spears or Bill Spears...can't be to careful now can we when Google is indexing relevant information to take every means possible to make sure it shows up on the first page of Google?
Spying on someone doing undercover video of a criminal suspect is one thing, to be an ex Chief of Police/Sergeant and ex-Marine, well I think you're a disgrace to the badge and the Corp, However, unlike Mr Holsinger, I'm kind of glad you're not gone...remember,from Krubinski vs Schmutzer-"truth is a complete defense against liability for defamation, regardless of bad faith or malicious purpose."
Ask Ron who Krubinski is...and yes, this post is written with intent to embarrass you in case you are wondering. Now do you care to try prove I'm lying?
Coming next-at this time I have to talk to CSLB on Tuesday 1/19/2016 and see what they have to say after I objected and a supervisor has gotten involved. I'll update the status of my getting records, especially the DVD video.